Our Mission

To spread the Catholic faith by promoting the truths of the Catholic religion, its doctrines & practices as taught by the magisterium of the Catholic Church

ACT is an apologetics and evangelization association led by our Spiritual Director Rev Fr Ferdinand Purnomo, OCD with the approval of our Archbishop.


ACT was set up as a non profit lay apostolate organization in 1994. The group evolved from a gathering of like minded lay Catholics who felt the need to come together and share resources to spread and defend the Catholic faith. The late Rev Fr Alfred Chan facilitated the group to organize its apostolate and direction and was its first Spiritual Director. All these happen in the early 1990s. ACT’s three founding members were Lawrence Ho, Kelvin Chia and Andrew Kong.

See some early CN articleskel docs3.pdf


The activities of ACT are mainly the conducting of ACT seminars. (Talks, workshops, retreats, camps , etc) Periodically we also conducted study sessions on various topics. We also printed / publish ACT Tracts and articles.

More frequently, ACT’s mission is also carried out by its members through their personal apostolate and initiatives.

Rationale for Apologetics

Apologetics is defined as the theological science which has for its purpose the explanation and defence of the Christian religion. (cf Catholic Encyclopedia)

The Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen said that there are not over a hundred people who hate the Catholic Church, but millions, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church – which is quite a different thing. If then the hatred of the Church is founded on erroneous beliefs, it follows that the basic need of the day is instruction.

Some anti Catholic propaganda materials: act1.jpg  act2.jpg

Apologetics have been considered by some as not being in the spirit of Vatican II, that the simple proclamation of the Gospel message combined with the example of a fervent Christian life was all that was needed to lead people to accept the Faith. While this position has been largely abandoned, the suspicion of apologetics remains. The neglect of apologetics has resulted in many people either drifting to join Protestantism, or becoming lapsed in their practice of their faith.

Contact ACT 

Andrew Kong, Tel 9649 3893;  Email: andrewk@catholic.sg